As many employees are forced to work from home to avoid further spread of the Covid-19 virus, many are still struggling with this new norm. The stress this sudden change causes may lead to chronic work stress which can cause burnout. Burnouts can become evident thru physical and emotional exhaustion, detachment and dispiritedness at work.

This crisis seems like it will stay for quite a while. So, here are some tips on how you can easily adjust to your new work lifestyle.


This is the first step in ensuring that you can easily adjust to the new norm. Follow an 8-hour work schedule and allow yourself to take breaks in between. Outside your set work hours, avoid checking work emails and tasks. And just the same, during your set work schedule, avoid being distracted by household concerns.


Talk to your family members, explain the situation to them, let them know your schedule and when are the times that they can approach you. Create a workspace that is only for work matters. When you are in this space, treat it like you are in an actual office and turn all your attention to your work. As you start to set-up for remote work, you should already set these boundaries for yourself and for the rest of your household.


In a regular office set-up, you are used to seeing other people working too and you can easily approach your coworker for work concerns. Now that you are working at home, the feeling of being alone and helpless can easily creep up on you. Stay connected with your colleagues by using online communication tools. Choose one that will be most efficient for the whole team.

Don’t let stress overwhelm you. Just like handling it when you report for work in an office set-up, it is even more essential to handle it well when you’re at home because it can easily affect the rest of your household. As a business owner, if you still cannot figure out how to start remote work or even handle productivity of a remote team, let DyCom SmartStaff help you. We can be your partners in your success regardless of the situation.

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